The village of Maronia, perched on the slopes of Mount Ismaros, can be your starting point for exploring the area or your terminal stop where you will have the chance to savor delicious food under the plane trees of the village square.
You can stroll along the alleys, visit the churches of Virgin Mary and Saint John – built intentionally without domes so they would be less “provocative” during the Ottoman rule- , surrender yourself to the scents of basil and rosebushes and have a cup of coffee among locals at Lola’s café .
Walking past the Tavaniotis mansion, a beautifully restored building constructed in 1880, and the school (built in 1908) will travel you back in time and warm you up for the archeological wealth there is to discover in the wider area.
Going downhill along a street that crosses olive groves, you will reach the port of Agios Haralambos. There, on the right, Samothraki rises above the sea while up ahead you will see the red rocks of Kagkeles beach.
The coastal front of the region has it all: caves, archeological sites, beaches like Marmaritsa and Sinaksi… But all these are not easy to be found… it takes effort… it takes paddling and Koupi and maybe that is what makes this area so mysteriously attractive.
We are waiting for you at Kagkeles beach… we have many things to tell you and many more to show you!
Visitor to Rhodope?
We undertake to “travel” you from end to end, in our place, in the hospitable corner of Thrace, which we know well. We can share experiences, stories, tastes, moments and images. What could be more beautiful than living in the area … as a local !!!
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